Sunday, August 24, 2008


I used to think I was an athlete... however, after watching the Olympics for 17 days straight, I realize I am FAR from being an athlete. I went for a walk today and got burnt out in 30 minutes (although I will credit some of that to the 100 degree heat). That is pretty sad considering that I used to swim for 2-3 hours a day in college. Needless to say I am motivated. I like feeling "strong", it makes me more confident in myself. I cannot put my self-consciousness on anybody but myself, even though I try to blame Chris. He loves me the way I am. I wish that for all my friends, for them to find someone who loves them just the way they are now, not some future version of them. Surprisingly many people fall in love with the person they want their mate to be, not the person they are. That makes me sad and fear for the possible relationships that are out there. Luckily I have the most amazing husband in the world! Not that I'm bragging or anything :)

1 comment:

Savanna and Mindy said...

i love you just the way you are!!! you have always been beautiful to me big sister!