Saturday, July 24, 2010

OK, for all you mothers out there I want to inform you of a website my mama introduced to me... It's awesome! Here is how it works: You need to find 10 DVDs that you want to trade. Once you list your DVDs people can start requesting them from you. You have to pay for the postage (usually around $1.90) to send the DVD(s) to whomever requests them. Once that person receives the DVD you will get 1 credit; now you are able to request DVDs (1 movie = 1 credit). Chris and I have tons of DVDs that we will never watch, but know we can't sell them for more than $1 at a garage sale, so this worked out PERFECTLY!! I just received 3 Baby Einstein videos for Josiah yesterday, and I have 2 more on the way. At Target they cost $15 each, so by using this awesome trading website I saved $13 per DVD!!!

Anyways, I thought I would share my excitement with this new found easy way to save money. For all you book lovers out there, rocks as well!!

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