Two weeks ago at the Village, Matt Chandler gave a sermon that I cannot get out of my head. A part of it was about our prayer life. Are we lazy with prayer? Do we have idols that we are not willing to give up? Are we using God to get what we want? Are we asking, but not seeking? That really stood out to me. I so often pray about things that I want to change in my life, but rarely seek out ways to make them happen. I don't think I ever even thought about seeking. I know God wants me to seek Him, not so that I will get what I want, but to have a relationship with Him so He is the first one I run to.
I love my church and the gift God has given Matt Chandler. Other than my family, I will miss the Village the most. I have grown so much over the past 2 1/2 years and I owe it all to that church. I pray that Chris and I find a church just as fulfilling in Nashville. If you get a chance, add that to your prayer list.