Sunday, February 28, 2010

Adventures in Parenting

Josiah has been home for 5 days and it has been so much fun. However, I didn't realize I crazy I am until now. I have the most irrational fears now that I have a child. I think that in the middle of the night he is just going to stop breathing and there is nothing I can do about it. I also have a fear that I, or anyone else for that matter, will drop him on some hard surface. Crazy, I know. Other than my ridiculous irrational fear of the ocean and heights, I consider myself to be a pretty sane person. Not anymore. Any other mothers out there get like this when they became a mother?

I don't mind the lack of sleep. He is so freaking adorable that I don't care that he wakes up and stays up for nearly 2 hours at a time. Yes, we're working on getting his days and nights correct, but I really don't mind. Especially since I get a good nap in from 8-11am.

He makes the cutest noises. Chris has nicknamed him Squeaky because instead of crying he squeaks. So I have come to differentiate the squeaks... which one means he's hungry v. which one means he needs a diaper change. And let me just say that our son is definitely a combination of the Reyes/Munselle genes because he poops and farts ALL THE TIME. The only time he cries is when we change his diaper. We thought he would cry during a bath, but he LOVES baths. It's really fun.

I could go on and on and it's only been 9 days. More to come later. I'm tired and need to go get my 2 1/2 hours of sleep.


Alli said...

You're really a mom. So cool.

Unknown said...

Ummmm I was SO freaked out that people would drop Sienna ALL the time!! It's just that they are SO new and precious that its one of the ONLY horrible things you could imagine happening!! Sienna slept with me for AGES cause I was afraid of her stopping sleep. Mind you she WAS in one of those beds designed for co-sleeping. Josiah is going to be just fine. With a mommy like you hes bound to be a rockstar. Enjoy every moment. xxx

Rose said...

Kristine, my sister Muna had the same fear when she had her daughter. and she talked to my mom about it, and mom said it's totally normal.
He is adorable, and so much fun to e around.

Morgan said...

oh my gosh, the fear thing - I RELATE! I would just start crying at the thought of anything bad happening to something so helpless. Definitely had to practice "holding every thought captive" so I could get a grip.

Chanes said...

yeah!!! love the update

Unknown said...

What a cutey! Thanks for posting the pic! I totally had those fears with Peyton. Grant and I are hoping we're not as paranoid the next go around. :)

Emily said...

ha! I can totally relate...and after working in a pediatric ER for 5+ years- my imagination is OUT OF CONTROL! This might sound corny but I really do stop myself when I start worrying about ridiculous (and non-ridiculous) things happening- and I start praying. Isn't it just amazing how you can love someone so much...someone you just met at that!

He is so that outfit!